Saturday, October 20, 2007

October's Question to Discuss

  • Discussion Topic #1: How did Academic Follow Up #1 go? Have them discuss the successes they had with the lesson and ways to run more effective lessons in the future.

  • Discussion Topic #2: What have you done independently in your ninth grade advisory? Have them discuss what they have done and what they are planning to do. Also remind them to check up on the recipe cards of their ninth graders.

  • Discussion Topic #3: Try to determine one school-based event that you could get your ninth graders to go to. It might be helpful to share some ideas as a large group, then have advisory groups choose one.


kfries0009 said...

I hope this is my homework..., to answer these questions. I need to get back the cards from my freshman and check up on their recipe cards. The hard thing is that although it seems that my freshman dont really mind me (or my fellow link crew leaders) they arent the most excited or open or wanting to talk. Its more of like "oh, they're here again. we're gonna talk about something about school" not in a bad way, more of just a "oh---we this is what we're goign to do today". As far as the academic follow up (if by that you mean the day we went and presented everything we learned) that went extremely well with my group. We spent a while on the weather report so i only had time to give them the recipe cards and i need to get them back from the advisor (Hutchison). But the kids were really responcive and gave good answers and didnt seem bored really. So all in all it was very good. Im not quite sure what school event to try to get all the 9th graders to go to...Obviously dances are fun (liek snow days) and then i can only think of like sporting events... if there was one we thought of id love to know. I think thats it. Yay link crew!!!

Katie Fries

Crew Review with King said...

You are right, Katie, this was your homework, so good work! I understand what you are saying about ninth graders not minding you but not being the most excited as well. I am sure it is hard to feel comfortable with each other when you only see each other a few times a year. It is a difficult task, but I am constantly impressed by the job you link leaders do with them! Anyway, I hope your link leader crew will come up with some fun sporting event to go to together, or school play, or something. Maybe if you posted this in the link crew questions, they would respond and you could brain storm ideas together.

Thanks for all that you do!
Ms. Peifer